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CLI Reference

For a smooth development experience use the dusk CLI in your terminal.


npm install -g dusk-cli

Requires Node.js version 14.17 or above.


dusk create

Creates a new example game using Vite template.

dusk create
# or
dusk create my-game

Follow instructions on the terminal to run the game in mock Dusk app. The interface is identical to the one described in Simulating Multiplayer.

dusk upload

Uploads your game to Dusk for publishing, see Publishing Your Game for more info.

cd my-game && dusk upload
# or
dusk upload my-game

This command will log you in using your email (if it's the first time) and then guide you through the game upload process. If you want to upload a new version of your game, just run the command again.

dusk list

Displays a list of your games on Dusk.

dusk update-info

Update your game's info such as title, description or game preview.

dusk update-members

Update the team for your game (e.g. adding a new team member), see Collaboration for more info.

dusk logout

Log out from the CLI.

dusk help

Displays help text.